Employment Lawyer | Workplace and Severance | Human Rights

Tina Lee is a business litigator, and an employment and workplace lawyer, protecting your money, business, workplace, and legal rights.

About Lee Workplace Law

Lee Workplace Law is your trusted legal advisor and advocate, with expertise in business litigation and workplace law.

Business litigation.

At Lee Workplace Law, we know business and commerce. We understand commercial contracts, relationships, and disputes. We have expertise resolving and litigating complex legal disputes.

We understand litigation strategy and has courtroom experience. We know that effective litigation requires big picture strategy from the start, followed by careful execution of the details.

Lee Workplace Law combines our business and courtroom expertise, and delivers effective advocacy and business strategy to you.

Workplace law.

At Lee Workplace Law, we have employment, human rights, and workplace law expertise. Our principal lawyer, Tina Lee, has extensive experience practicing at one of the largest full-service laws firms, and with leading employment lawyers in Canada. Together with our legal team, we deliver big-firm solutions to your workplace.

Our employment and workplace law practice covers wrongful dismissal litigation, workplace harassment and discrimination matters, restrictive covenant disputes, high profile business transactions, and other workplace matters.

Lee Workplace Law helps bring productivity and engagement to your workplace.

We listen to you, the client.

Clients' legal, business, and financial interests come first. At Lee Workplace Law, we listen to clients. Our solutions that are client-centered, effective, and costs-and-benefits driven. Our team is passionate about bringing our legal expertise to your business and workplace, and making the law work for you.

Strategic advantage: both sides of the table.

Lee Workplace Law represents plaintiffs and defendants. We represent employees and employers. This is our strategic advantage. We have a well-rounded knowledge of both sides of the table. With this advantage, we bring value to the client with a big picture view intended to pre-empt what the "other side" would do.

Bringing the law to you.

Through Lee Workplace Law, our highly qualified and experienced legal team delivers big-firm expertise to your business and your workplace. We help you achieve the result you are looking for.

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