Employment Contracts and Independent Contractor / Consulting Agreements

Employees may be required to sign employment contracts, and contractors may be asked to sign consulting agreements. It is important to take the time and fully understand what it is they are being asked to sign, what they are giving up, what they are entitled to, and whether there are restrictions they need to be aware of.

On the other hand, employers and businesses should ensure that the written employment contracts or consulting agreements being signed are in fact valid and effective in protecting their legal interests. In addition, many businesses allow employees and contractors to work without a written contract, which may result in greater exposure to legal liabilities and risks for the businesses.

Lee Workplace Law has extensive experience in preparing written employment and consulting agreements. We understand the importance of doing so with a big-picture strategy that is client-centered. Pre-emptive and protective measures are taken at the front end to help minimize exposure to legal liabilities and risks.

Common concerns regarding these types of contracts we advise on include:

  • When exactly is bonus payable and what are the restrictions?
  • If the compensation structure involves commissions, incentives, or overtime, is the contract adequate in protecting legal interests?
  • Are there post-termination obligations or restrictions?
  • Are the employee’s severance entitlements being limited?
  • Are there restrictions on such issues as work scheduling, job title changes, organizational restructuring?

Contact us today to discuss what your legal needs are, and how they can be met.